- TitelMobility in Europe. Analysis of the 2005 eurobarometer survey on geographical and labour market mobility
- ObjectnummerBIB_C5948
- Auteur
- Plaats van uitgaveDublin
- Uitgever
- Jaar van uitgave2006-01-01
- Pagina's94
- AfmetingenC
- MateriaalBOEK
This report sets out a descriptive analysis of the data collected by the Eurobarometer Survey (2005). It examines two key areas of enquiry: geographical mobility and job mobility. Mobility appears to be not always the result of
individual choices. Indeed, mobility, particularly job mobility, is often found to be a characteristic of the more vulnerable groups in society. The analysis also shows that mobility-related decisions are the result of important and often difficult
trade-offs. People attracted by the idea of making a long-distance move report that they fear the loss of contact and support from family and relatives. It would also appear that what is good for the EU as a whole greater overall levels of mobility is not necessarily reflected in how individuals feel about mobility in their own lives.
- Trefwoord